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Writer: Yalanda Rene JacquesYalanda Rene Jacques

alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

Every woman wants to be memorable in that special man's life, but how do you accomplish that? Well, we're going to give you our top five things that you can do right away, if you haven't already, to make yourself irresistibly, unforgettable to him. The goal, or end game is of course yours. We're just giving you the tools to get started to appeal to all of his five senses. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines alluring as - "Having a strongly attractive or enticing quality." And Wikipedia defines it as - "The power to attract or seduce; the quality causing attraction." Basically, everything we want to do, to either catch or keep our guy.


alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

1. BE UNIQUE (Sight): Men are very visual, so let's start with the simple stuff. Wearing something unusual, or uncommon can make him not only notice you initially, but remember you by it. Something as simple as a ring, necklace, beautiful blouse, scarf, skirt, pants, or even handbag all fit the bill, just make sure it's uncommonly good. And above all, keep it classy. We're giving you tips on being alluring to grab the attention of the right guy, who will appreciate your good qualities and values. Remember, everything in moderation goes a long way..... meaning, give him a hint of something, but don't lead with your boobs out, and skirt up to your butt. That will get his attention, but probably not keep it.


perfume, fragrances, beauty, alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

2. WEAR A SIGNATURE PERFUME:(Scent) What's your favorite scented perfume or body lotion that gets you the most compliments from men? If you're not getting feedback from total strangers, that could mean your signature scent is a lame duck. I've had men & women stop me in stores to ask who my perfume was by, because they loved it so much. I've also done the reverse thing when I've passed by someone, so don't be afraid to ask. You may get the name of a really great fragrance you were not previously aware of. And most women will be flattered you asked, it makes them feel special. Your perfume is like a fashion accessory & ruled by seasons also, heavier scents in Winter, lighter ones in the Spring. A really high quality perfume lingers on the skin, as it contains a higher concentration of oils. However a top trick used by the most alluring, and in-the-know women is called, layering. Simply apply a scented lotion (or even an unscented creamy body lotion) then spraying on your eau de parfum' (higher quality) or perfume on top. The body lotion will meld & fuse with your perfume making it last longer on the skin. NOTE: If you use a scented lotion, try to stay in the same top notes and undertones range (whether fruity, woodsy or floral) so it doesn't clash, and people go running away from you. And remember, less is more when layering. You want your scent to linger in his mind, not terrorize it. ADDED TIP: If you're not used to wearing perfume as much, then start off subtle. Spray it in the air, then walk into it. This way you get a more subtle whiff. Or..... spray your hairbrush, then run it through your hair. This will also give him a whiff of your heavenly essence. But overall, do it for yourself also. Scent has a way of elevating our mood, so we feel better about ourselves & the day.


polished hands, polished beauties, beautiful nails, alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

3. WELL-GROOMED HAIR, HANDS & FEET: (Touch) Most men like a woman who has great grooming habits. They don't usually care if your nails are polished by you, or done professionally, as long as your nails are clean, shaped and don't look like theirs. This helps make a woman look more feminine overall. If you're the sporty type girl, no problem.... just keep them clean and shaped. Dirt under the nails is a total turn-off to guys and to most of us as well. The reason we've chosen fingernails & toenails is because it's easily seen and makes for a good first impression as it says a lot about us in general. After all, you do want to graduate to holding hands eventually. And our HAIR.... keep it clean and well groomed as well, whether in a ponytail, bob, bun, or loose curls. Some of you may disagree with what we're about to say, but as much as you might enjoy the glamour girl look that weaves, wigs & hair extensions give us.... any man will tell you he prefers a woman to be more natural. You can wear them part-time, etc. but trust.... most men we spoke to say they want to be able to run their fingers through a woman's hair. So long or short, keep this in mind in terms of being that intriguing, unforgettable woman. We believe the reason for this is because it covers the "touch" part of all our senses, and this increases intimacy.


books, alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

4. STIMULATE HIS MIND: (Hearing/Sound) Pretty girls are a dime a dozen, but to be able to hold a great conversation and speak on something of value, like world events will make you stand out. Be the woman who brings more to the table, and he'll always be intrigued by you. Just don't tell everything. Leave something to be desired by also leaving him guessing on some things. This will give you a curious mystique, and create interest. It's true that men are visual creatures, but most want a woman who talks about more than hair and makeup. So if you're into sports, or non-profit work tell him about your adventures; or maybe you play an instrument, or just like music, then stimulate his sense of hearing with some of your favorite tunes. Just communicate..... but not too much at first. Guys don't like girls who act needy or desperate, so leave something to be desired/shared.


woman cooking, polished beauties, alluring woman, uncommon style, uncommon goods, jewelry, jewellery, unique jewelry

5. COOK A FABULOUS MEAL: (Taste) We saved this one for last, because we understand that not every woman can cook, but you can learn how to make at least one yummy meal to dazzle your guy. Lol! It's true, that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The reason is that it is reminiscent of home, comfort and stability. This one area could possibly trump all the others though ladies, if you get it down right. So, take a cooking class at Whole Foods, or ask your mom, or a good friend for help making something special. You just need at least one good meal to wow him. He'll appreciate the effort, and look forward to seeing you again.


In conclusion, being alluring takes a little work, some restraint, and understanding how our five senses all work together when it comes to attracting and being alluring to the right guy. But we know you can do it, and have him begging to spend time with you. Polished beauties are women who are refined, and talented in many areas, and know how to be alluring in a very classy way. Good luck to you in all your endeavors. Please let us know if you enjoyed this blog post, and if you have any success with our tips. Hugs & Kisses, Yalanda Rene Jacques Author, Actress, Mentor, Producer and Founder of Polished Beauties

On Instagram: @yalandarenejacques



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